Image result for im trying to save moneyHear ye!  Hear ye!  I’m on my way to becoming DEBT FREE!!

Why:  Debt has become a monkey on my back and I just can’t do it anymore.

How: My first step was purchasing Tiffany The Budgetnista’s book, “The One Week Budget.”  I didn’t follow everything to the letter but I did modify her method to suit my situation.

Also, in 2017 I decided to make better money choices and also did better with saving.  Joining Qapital, increasing my credit union deductions, paying off credit card debt and student loans [and of course spending less] were tips that I used to snatch my coin back.

To add to the list, I even created my very 1st Penny Challenge Jar as a Christmas gift for my mom, but I wound up making one for myself too.  Check out the video and let me know if you plan on making one of these jars, so you too can save extra money!   The challenge starts January 1, 2018 so I wish you all a Happy New Year and declare 2018 to be the YEAR OF THE GREAT COIN SNATCH!

Thanks for watching and Happy Saving! ❤

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